It's so sad when a blog expires...

In the course of my job I have to read a lot of blogs, leaping from one site to another via hyperlinks, or clicking through to an article from a convoluted Google search. Every now and then, I'll find some well written blog with insightful articles and a real sense of identity that will just one day for no apparent reason stop.

It's always interesting to speculate on why the blog has ceased to be updated: death, debilitation, imprisonment. But the real, prosaic reality is that these bloggers just stop caring. It's not worth the effort, why bother?

The fact that the internet is littered with so many relics to failed ambition, examples of ambition trailing off to indifference is full of pathos. These failed blogs are indeed monuments to an aspiration that has trailed away.

This post is inspired by a blog I stumbled on today that was full of informative music writing. I was particularly struck by one piece about the Velvet Underground, so was upset when I read the following:

To everything…

It’s time to level with our readers:
As you’ve noticed, we haven’t been giving SWR its due lately.  A short exchange of emails revealed no one has the time to make the writing what it ought to be.
We heartily thank everyone who read, commented, linked, and most importantly, listened over the years.
You may see us in the future when the Internet is obsolete and blogs are as outmoded as the telegraph.
Until then,
Jordy, Glenn, Adam, Phil, and Jeff